I have a table, links
that links two categories (parent & child) together. The table has five fields:
I am trying to write an INSERT SELECT that grabs both the parent & child category_id, and inserts it into a temp table.
INSERT INTO temp (parent_category_id, child_category_id)
SELECT parent.parent_category_id, child.child_category_id
FROM links
JOIN categories AS parent
ON parent.name = link.parent_category_name
AND parent.year = link.parent_category_year
JOIN categories AS child
ON child.name = link.child_category_name
AND child.year = link.child_category_year
This query works fine, but I need to apply some business rules. The rules are:
I've added a WHERE clause to my query:
WHERE link.child_category_year = link.parent_category_year
OR link.child_category_year - link.parent_category_year = 1
When this INSERT statement executes in my Perl code, I get the following exception:
DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`my_database`.`links`.`child_category_year` - `my_database`.`links`.`parent_category_year`)' [for Statement "
So, I take it that the INSERT does not like my date subtraction in the WHERE clause. I explored using the DATEDIFF function, but I am not simply looking for a one year difference in dates, but rather one year less on the parent than the child.
How can I accomplish this without the insert error?
Totally unclear why "year" would be stored as an unsigned bigint. That is way overkill for my understanding of "year".
In any case, why not rephrase the logic to:
WHERE link.parent_category_year = link.child_category_year
link.parent_category_year = link.child_category_year + 1
In general, you should not have a problem adding 1
to an unsigned value.