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How to populate new column by comparing one row with its next row

I am finding difficulty in writing a query to get the desired output. I need to get date difference between two consecutive rows and If date difference is <=6 months and reason code is valid "Yes" Then new column should be populate with values "Yes" other wise "NO"

I have to populate new column with values "Yes" or "NO" based on criteria given below
Criteria 1:
For first row, New column value should be always "No" From second row, If two dates difference is <=6 moths and reason code is valid then new column value should be "Yes" other wise "No"
Date difference of first row and second row is <=6 months and code valid "yes" hence new column value is Yes.
Date diff of second row and third row is <=6 months but valid is "No" hence new column value is "No".
Date diff of third row and forth row is more than >6 months and but valid is "Yes" hence new column value is "No".
Out put should be like below

Custid enter_date Rscode Valid New_column
123 2020-04-11 BCB Yes No
123 2020-06-13 ABC Yes Yes
123 2020-09-01 FBS No No
123 2021-05-01 ABC Yes NO
123 2021-07-05 ABC Yes Yes

Criteria 2:
If reason code is starts with "RQT" and any of the valid code is followed By RQT(even date difference is 6 months and reason code is valid) then new column should be "No" from next consecutive row, the output is same as is.

Custid enter_date Rscode Valid New_column
345 2020-02-19 RQT Yes NO
345 2020-03-22 BCB Yes NO
345 2020-06-18 RQT Yes Yes
345 2020-10-29 BCB Yes Yes
345 2021-03-24 ABC Yes Yes
Custid enter_date Rscode Valid New_column
346 2020-02-19 RQT Yes NO
346 2020-03-22 RQT Yes NO
346 2020-06-18 RQT Yes Yes
346 2020-10-29 BCB Yes Yes
346 2021-03-24 RQT Yes Yes


  • You need some Window Functions plus CASE like this:

           -- If reason code is starts with "RQT"
      when first_value(Rscode) over (partition by custid order by enter_date) = 'RQT'
           -- and any of the valid code is followed By RQT
       and lead(Rscode) over (partition by custid order by enter_date) = 'RQT' then 'No'
           -- If two dates difference is <=6 moths and reason code is valid then new column value should be "Yes" other wise "No"
      when enter_date <= add_months(lag(enter_date) over (partition by custid order by enter_date), 6)
       and valid = 'Yes'
        then 'Yes'
      else 'No' -- also covers: For first row, New column value should be always "No"