What is the best type hint for a function that returns an item from an input argument which is a list?
Here is the function:
def ask_mcq(title: str, prompt: str, options: list) -> ???:
v = tk.IntVar()
for i, option in enumerate(options):
tk.Radiobutton(root, text=option, variable=v, value=i).pack(anchor="w")
return options[v.get()]
I tried checking other questions, like this one, but none of them seem to answer this question in specific. I am not an expert.
EDIT: By reading the comments and answers, I realize now that the question doesn't really make sense in the case where I ask the user to choose an option. It's better to return a string and handle it afterwards. I accepted @balderman's answer because it's the most applicable to this unlikely situation.
See the example below (assuming options
is a list of Any
from typing import List,Any
def ask_mcq(title: str, prompt: str, options: List[Any]) -> Any:
return options[0]