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C# Resolve hostname with Dns to IP Address

Got this program i am writing in my office in C#.

So i can read all Computer Names From the Domain, fill them into a List and print them out.

Using this Code :

    `private void FindComputersInAD()
    List<string> computerNames = new List<string>();
        DirectoryContext dirCtx = new DirectoryContext(DirectoryContextType.Domain, "");
        using (Domain usersDomain = Domain.GetDomain(dirCtx))
        using (DirectorySearcher adsearcher = new DirectorySearcher(usersDomain.GetDirectoryEntry()))
            adsearcher.Filter = ("(objectCategory=computer)");                                                                                                          
            adsearcher.SizeLimit = 0;
            adsearcher.PageSize = 250;

            // Let searcher know which properties are going to be used, and only load those

            foreach (SearchResult searchResult in adsearcher.FindAll())
                if (searchResult.Properties["name"].Count > 0)
                    string computer = (string)searchResult.Properties["name"][0];                      

Now that i got all the Computer Names, i would like to get their IP Addresses as well. But there is no such property.

I googled a lot and tried a few things but nothing works.

Can I use the DNS class to do this ?

I use this method to get the Host IP Address :

private void GetLocalIPAddress()
        string _subString;
        var _host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
        foreach (var _ip in _host.AddressList)
            if (_ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                _subString = _ip.ToString().Substring(_ip.ToString().Length - 2);
                //When a IP Address ends with .1, don't add it to the List.
                if (_subString != ".1")
                    _hostIPAddress = _ip.ToString();

Can I use this also somehow to get the IP Addresses of the Computers ?

I would be very happy if you can help me :)

Thanks in advance


  • So i found myself an answer. Since all the computers are in the same domain i openend cmd and tried nslookup. And it returned the IP Address i wanted.

    So i just built a C# DNSLookup Method, looks like this :

     private void DNSLookup(string computerNameOrAddress)
            IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(computerNameOrAddress);
            IPAddress[] ips = hostEntry.AddressList;
            foreach (IPAddress ip in ips)
                Console.WriteLine("  Address: {0}", ip);        

    Anyway thanks for looking :)