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Github - deleting ECDSA-SK key

A while ago, when learning about the existence of ECDSA-SK keys, I have created such a key and added it to my github account.

Now I am trying to remove it, but it simply does not show up in the list of keys. The list only shows my "regular" SSH key, but not the SK key.

enter image description here

However, the SK key works just fine. I can push/pull with it (even to/from private repos), and when trying to authenticate with it it shows as connected to my github account:

$ ssh -T -ai ~/.ssh/
Hi bogd! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Also, if I try to add it to my account, github tells me "the key is already in use".

So my question is - where do I need to go to remove this key??


  • From GitHub announcement in May 2021, this is what you should see:

    sk entry

    If no "skey" entry is listed:

    • check if it would be listed when you have your YubiKey in place
    • check if you can list that key through GitHub API (you would need a token with read:public_key scope)
    • contact GitHub support to investigate.

    The OP Bogd reports in the comments the SK (Security Key) was listed as a Deploy Key

    Deploy Key

    The "-i" argument to SSH only adds the specified key to the list of keys the client will try.

    Since I normally always have my RSA key loaded in the agent, it is likely that key was tried first, and that was why the command output did not list the repository.

    The command should have been:

    ssh -v -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i ~/.ssh/'