I had just installed Anaconda from anaconda.com. The installation proceeded smoothly. After that, I was trying to create a new environment from this environment.yml file. (nbdev.yml)
name: nbdev
- fastai
- defaults
- conda-forge
- _r-mutex
- _tflow_select
- absl-py
- alabaster
- asn1crypto
- astor
- astroid
- attrs
- babel
- backcall
- backports
- backports.functools_lru_cache
- blas
- bleach
- bwidget
- bzip2
- c-ares
- ca-certificates
- cairo
- certifi
- cffi
- chardet
- cloudpickle
- compiler-rt
- constantly
- cryptography
- curl
- cycler
- cython
- dbus
- decorator
- defusedxml
- docutils
- entrypoints
- expat
- fastcache
- flake8
- fontconfig
- freetype
- fribidi
- gast
- gettext
- glib
- gmp
- gmpy2
- graphite2
- grpcio
- gsl
- h5py
- harfbuzz
- hdf5
- html5lib
- icu
- idna
- imagesize
- intel-openmp
- ipykernel
- ipython
- ipython_genutils
- isort
- jbig
- jedi
- jinja2
- jpeg
- jsonschema
- jupyter_client
- jupyter_contrib_core
- jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
- jupyter_core
- jupyter_highlight_selected_word
- jupyter_latex_envs
- jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
- keras-applications
- keras-preprocessing
- keyring
- krb5
- lazy-object-proxy
- libcurl
- libcxx
- libcxxabi
- libedit
- libffi
- libgcc
- libgfortran
- libiconv
- libopenblas
- libpng
- libprotobuf
- libsodium
- libssh2
- libtiff
- libxml2
- libxslt
- llvm
- llvm-openmp
- lxml
- make
- markdown
- markupsafe
- matplotlib
- mccabe
- mistune
- mkl
- mkl_fft
- mkl_random
- mock
- mpc
- mpfr
- mpmath
- nbconvert
- nbformat
- ncurses
- nomkl
- notebook
- numpy
- numpy-base
- numpydoc
- olefile
- openblas
- openblas-devel
- openssl
- packaging
- pandas
- pandoc
- pandocfilters
- pango
- pari
- parso
- patsy
- pbr
- pcre
- perl
- pexpect
- pickleshare
- pillow
- pip
- pixman
- prometheus_client
- prompt_toolkit
- protobuf
- psutil
- ptyprocess
- pycodestyle
- pycparser
- pyflakes
- pygments
- pylint
- pyopenssl
- pyparsing
- pyqt
- pyrsistent
- pysocks
- python
- python-dateutil
- python-symengine
- pytz
- pyyaml
- pyzmq
- qt
- qtawesome
- qtconsole
- qtpy
- qutip
- r-base
- r-clisymbols
- readline
- reportlab
- requests
- rope
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- send2trash
- setuptools
- simplegeneric
- sip
- six
- snowballstemmer
- sphinx
- sphinxcontrib
- sphinxcontrib-applehelp
- sphinxcontrib-devhelp
- sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
- sphinxcontrib-jsmath
- sphinxcontrib-qthelp
- sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
- sphinxcontrib-websupport
- spyder
- spyder-kernels
- sqlite
- symengine
- symmetrica
- sympow
- sympy
- tensorboard
- tensorflow
- tensorflow-base
- tensorflow-estimator
- termcolor
- terminado
- testpath
- tk
- tktable
- tornado
- traitlets
- typed-ast
- typing
- urllib3
- wcwidth
- webencodings
- werkzeug
- wheel
- wrapt
- wurlitzer
- xz
- yaml
- zeromq
- tqdm
- zlib
- zstd
- pytest
- numba
- hypothesis
- pytest-cov
- mypy
- pytest-xdist
- watchdog
- pytest-runner
- coveralls
- doctr
- gitpython
- pre-commit
- tox
- cookiecutter
- pdbpp
- sphinx-autobuild
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- travis-encrypt
- twine
- nbval
- nbsphinx
- watermark
- ipyparallel
- unittest2pytest
- pytest-benchmark
- pytest-repeat
- pytest-subtests
- fastcore
- fastscript
- asttokens
- cached-property
- crayons
- executing
- flask
- humanize
- ipywidgets
- itsdangerous
- jsonpickle
- jupyter
- littleutils
- nbconvert
- outdated
- portpicker
- sqlalchemy
- widgetsnbextension
- nbdime
- rich
- mayavi
- pip:
- birdseye
- icecream
- nbdev==1.1.12
- snoop
- git-remote-dropbox
- odeintw
- cyberbrain
- cheap-repr
- jupyter-console
- get-port
- flask-humanize
- msgpack
- jupyterlab-widgets
- varname
- blacktex
prefix: /anaconda3/envs/nbdev
I tried conda env create -f nbdev.yml
But it just got stuck on solving the environment. Then I learned that mamba is a fast drop-in replacement for conda.
So I typed in mamba env create -f nbdev.yml
After a lot of research, I stumbled on to Mamba doesn't find a solution when mixing conda forge defaults and not specifying Python explicitly 1102. So I just edited nbdev.yml from
name: nbdev
- fastai
- defaults
- conda-forge
- _r-mutex
- _tflow_select
- absl-py
- alabaster
name: nbdev
- fastai
- defaults
- conda-forge
- python
- _r-mutex
- _tflow_select
- absl-py
- alabaster
This fixed the problem.