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Price at Particular Date and Time

How to I query price at a particular date and time using Alphavantage API.

For eg: I tried this:^INFY&interval=1min&outputsize=compact&apikey=***********

However I want to pass both Date and Time and need the HIGH for that particular minute for that symbol.

I am using the Excel 365 Add-On but I can use Google Sheets as well.



  • The url will give you a json. You have then to parse it and then apply a formula to retrieve the max value and date/hour/minute it occurs. To parse the json, try with your own api key :

    function getAllDataJSON(code) {
      var url = ''+code+'&interval=1min&apikey='+YOURAPIKEY
      var data = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText())['Time Series (1min)']
      var resultat = []
      for (var elem in eval(data)){
        resultat.push([elem,eval(data[elem]['1. open']),eval(data[elem]['2. high']),eval(data[elem]['3. low']),eval(data[elem]['4. close']),eval(data[elem]['5. volume'])])
      return resultat

    If you want extended period, the answer will be a csv file

    function getAllDataCSV(code){
      // last month : slice=year1month1 (by default) ... until slice=year2month12 (farthest month from today)
      // interval : 1min
      var url = ''+code+'&interval=1min&apikey='+apikey
      var csv = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
      return Utilities.parseCsv(csv)