I am looking for a list of certain elements of a certain class. However, driver.find_elements_by_locator returns a list of WebElements be default. Since the element ID is changing at every moment, I was wondering whether I could use find_elements_by_locator and return a list of something a bit more constant, like XPATH.
listofblocks = driver1.find_elements_by_class_name("android.widget.RelativeLayout")
Nothing doesn't technically work, just looking for a better return.
where locator could be xpath, css, or id, class.. etc.
it will always return a list, not element IDs.
and that list will contains WebElements associated with the locator passed.
once you have a list, in your case listofblocks
, you can iterate it :-
for block in listofblocks:
print(block.text) # this is just an example, you can call any webelement method here.
would return first element of the list, so
you can do
or listofblocks[0].text
and so on..