I simply want to add a Node to a List when the user clicks a button and display it in a composable LazyColumn.
Here is how I thought it would work: VieModel:
private val _nodeList: MutableLiveData<MutableList<Node>> = MutableLiveData()
val nodeList: LiveData<MutableList<Node>> = _nodeList
fun onNodeListChange(newNode: Node){
and in my Composable I try to observe it by calling:
val vm = getViewModel<MainViewModel>()
val nodeList: List<Node> by vm.nodeList.observeAsState(listOf())
In the onClick of the Button I call:
val newNode = Node(title, body)
The node gets added to the nodeList in the ViewModel but the Composable wont recompose. What am I doing wrong?
Your LiveData is not changing. You are just adding a new item to the list stored within the LiveData. For a LiveData to notify it's observers, the object returned by livedata.getValue()
must occupy a different memory space from the one supplied through livedata.setValue()
One quick and dirty solution would be:
_nodeList.value = _nodeList?.value?.toMutableList()?.apply{add(newNode)}
In Jetpack compose you probably want to use a SnapShotStateList
for an observable list instead of a LiveData<List<T>>