I'm jin. Thanks for reading my article :)
I am using NSIS, and I want to get the key value inside by using C++ dll to get a Json type string and save it as a text file or Json file. But even using nsJson I don't get the value. We will send you a simple example and code. thank you.
file Example : "ex.json" or "ex.txt"
In this situation, I want to get the key value of every "gradeCode".
Thanks for reading.
Use /index to access array nodes:
!macro prepare_example
FileOpen $0 "$PluginsDir\data.json" w
FileWrite $0 '[{"areaCode":"INF0411","areaName":"NewY","gradeCode":"INF0102"},$\n'
FileWrite $0 '{"areaCode":"INF0412","areaName":"NewA","gradeCode":"INF0103"},$\n'
FileWrite $0 '{"areaCode":"INF0413","areaName":"NewB","gradeCode":"INF0104"},$\n'
FileWrite $0 '{"areaCode":"INF0414","areaName":"NewC","gradeCode":"INF0105"}]$\n'
FileClose $0
!include LogicLib.nsh
!insertmacro prepare_example
nsJSON::Set /file "$PluginsDir\data.json"
nsJSON::Get /count /end
Pop $1
${For} $2 0 $1
nsJSON::Get /index $2 "gradeCode" /end
${IfNot} ${Errors}
Pop $0
DetailPrint "Grade=$0"