I am currently using Plotly's scatterpolar module to create a radar chart. I am trying to visualize the statistical categories for all 5 basketball statistics (points, assists, rebounds, steals, and blocks). The problem is that the range for every single category is set to the highest value which is points. I'd like to make the range for each category separate (for example: the range for points is 0 to 50, the range for assists to be 0 to 15, the range of steals to be 0 to 5,etc.).
As you can see the entire chart is skewed towards the point category.
categories = ['Points', 'Assists', 'Rebounds', 'Steals', 'Blocks']
all_averages = [avg_points, avg_assists, avg_rebounds, avg_steals, avg_blocks]
trace = go.Scatterpolar(r = all_averages, theta = categories, fill = 'toself', name = f'{first} {last}')
data = [trace]
figure = go.Figure(data = data, layout = layout)
This is the code I have right now.
One option is to scale each category then set the range 0-1.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
first = 'John'
last = 'Doe'
range_pts = 50
range_ast = 15
range_rbs = 20
range_stl = 5
range_blk = 5
ranges = [range_pts, range_ast, range_rbs, range_stl, range_blk]
categories = [f'Points ({range_pts})', f'Assists ({range_ast})', f'Rebounds ({range_rbs})', f'Steals ({range_stl})', f'Blocks ({range_blk})']
all_averages = [26, 7, 11, 2, 1]
for idx, value in enumerate(ranges):
all_averages[idx] = all_averages[idx]/ranges[idx]
trace = go.Scatterpolar(r = all_averages, theta = categories, fill = 'toself', name = f'{first} {last}')
data = [trace]
figure = go.Figure(data = data, layout = None)
figure.update_polars(radialaxis=dict(visible=False,range=[0, 1]))