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Cascading deletes to many to many table

I have a situation where upon deletion of a Key (Parent), I want to delete all its Values (children), and the related rows in a MTM association between Children and Foo. The models are as follows (some attribs removed):

class Key(Model):
   values = relationship('Value', back_populates='key', cascade='all, delete-orphan')

class Value(Model):
   value = Column(Text, nullable=False)
   key = relationship("Key", back_populates="values")
   key_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))

class Foo(Model):

   taglist = db.relationship("Value", 

And the association_table is just a classic FK<-->FK table:

   Column("", Integer, ForeignKey(""),
   Column("", Integer, ForeignKey(""),)

With this setup, using postgres, when I'm trying to delete a Key, I get the following: (psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation) update or delete on table "values" violates foreign key constraint "association_table_value_id_fkey" on table "association_table"

Now, reading through the Documentation I've tried the examples there which mostly seem to say put an ondelete="CASCADE" on your association table. However this results in the same issue.

Is there a way I can do what I want, e.g. "unlink" the foo objects from the MTM table (without deleting them)?


  • If you are using postgres, it would be useful to know wich version you are running. There are some similar issues which might be related if you are using a version lower than 12.2.

    However, from your code, where did you try ondelete="CASCADE"? This is working for me:

    association = Table("association_table", 
       Column("", ForeignKey("")),
       Column("", ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"))
    class Key(PkModel):
        __tablename__ = "keys" 
        values = relationship('Value', back_populates='key', cascade='all, delete-orphan')
    class Value(PkModel):
        __tablename__ = "values"
        created = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=dt.utcnow)
        value = Column(Text, nullable=False)
        key = relationship("Key", back_populates="values")
        key_id = Column(ForeignKey(""))
    class Foo(PkModel):
        __tablename__ = "foos"
        taglist = relationship(

    Then I can run (using postgres 12.2):

    >>>f1 = models.Foo.create()
    >>>k1 = models.Key.create(values=[models.Value(value="bar")])
    [<Value 54a7c726-acc9...b8c87e590>]
    [<Value 54a7c726-acc9...b8c87e590>]
    <Foo 8a1b6701-384e-4bc0-8e29-9ac4e64a4fdf>
    >>>f1 = models.Foo.query.all()[0]
    [<Value 54a7c726-acc9...b8c87e590>]
    [<Foo 8a1b6701-384e-4...4e64a4fdf>]

    I tried after without ondelete="CASCADE" and I could reproduce your error.

    ForeignKeyViolation: update or delete on table "values" violates foreign key constraint "association_table_value.id_fkey" on table "association_table"

    From your code, for future readers, note the following:

    • Missing the __tablename__, I suppose from your code is set adding 's'.
    • On the association table, missing a ) on Column("").
    • Value does not have a mapped column named 'created'.