I need a DXL script that fill a DialogBox with returned Module names'. I have several modules within a project.
Below is my current progress. My idea is to put all Module names in a List and then display the list in a DialogBox.
Can you help me write ´´´fillModulelist()´´´
// This DXL script iterates through all formal modules of the folder
DB dbMain = null
DBE dbeModuleList = null
DBE dbeExport = null
DBE dbeExportPath = null
Folder currFolder = null
string startFolder="/Project/Folder";
int moduleCount=0;
void forAllModulesInFolder(Folder f)
Item itemRef;
string shType;
string sItemNameFull;
string sItemName;
Module moduleReference;
for itemRef in f do
shType = type(itemRef);
print shType "\t";
sItemNameFull = fullName(itemRef);
print sItemNameFull "\t";
sItemName = name(itemRef);
print sItemName "\n";
string selectedFolder = sItemNameFull;
Folder f = folder selectedFolder;
moduleReference = read(sItemNameFull,false,true);
filtering off;
// do s.th. with the moduleReference
void fillModuleList()
//........... HELP NEEDED........
// Main-Method
void main(void)
string selectedFolder = startFolder;
Folder f = folder selectedFolder;
print "Affected Modules: " moduleCount "\n";
Any help provided I would be very thankful.
As the list of modules is for displaying it to the user (and perhaps let them select from that list), it is best to display the full name of the modules, thus I would not store the module reference. You can open the module later, when the user has selected/double clicked the module (supposing that this is what you want). Thus, I fill a Skip list with sItemNameFull, sItemNameFull
, but if it suits your script better, you can also fill it with moduleReference, sItemNameFull
(use create
instead of createString
in this case). The changes to your script are marked with //->>
and //<<-
// This DXL script iterates through all formal modules of the folder
DB dbMain = null
DBE dbeModuleList = null
DBE dbeExport = null
DBE dbeExportPath = null
Folder currFolder = null
string startFolder="/testtrunk";
int moduleCount=0;
Skip skModules = createString()
void forAllModulesInFolder(Folder f)
Item itemRef;
string shType;
string sItemNameFull;
string sItemName;
Module moduleReference;
for itemRef in f do
shType = type(itemRef);
print shType "\t";
sItemNameFull = fullName(itemRef);
print sItemNameFull "\t";
sItemName = name(itemRef);
print sItemName "\n";
string selectedFolder = sItemNameFull;
Folder f = folder selectedFolder;
put (skModules, sItemNameFull, sItemNameFull)
//moduleReference = read(sItemNameFull,false,true);
//filtering off;
// do s.th. with the moduleReference
void fillModuleList(Skip skContent, DBE dbeList)
empty dbeList
int cnt=0
string sLine
for sLine in skContent do {
insert (dbeList, cnt, sLine)
void DoSomethingWithDoubleClickedModule (DBE x) {
string sModName = get(x)
print "doing something with " sModName "<---\n"
void canvasDummyCB( DBE dummy ) { }
void doNothing(DBE x) {}
void prepareGui()
const string sArEmpty[] = {}
dbMain = create ("mytitle", styleCentered)
DBE spaceLeft = canvas(dbMain, 0, 0, canvasDummyCB)
spaceLeft->"top"->"form"; spaceLeft->"left"->"form"
spaceLeft->"right"->"unattached"; spaceLeft->"bottom"->"unattached"
DBE spaceRight = canvas(dbMain, 0, 0, canvasDummyCB)
spaceRight->"top"->"form"; spaceRight->"right"->"form"
spaceRight->"left"->"unattached"; spaceRight->"bottom"->"unattached"
DBE dInfoTextLabel = label(dbMain, "choose a module")
dbeModuleList = list( dbMain, "Modules", 200, 15, sArEmpty)
realize dbMain
set( dbeModuleList, doNothing, DoSomethingWithDoubleClickedModule)
// Main-Method
void main(void)
string selectedFolder = startFolder;
Folder f = folder selectedFolder;
fillModuleList (skModules, dbeModuleList)
print "Affected Modules: " moduleCount "\n";