I have two scenarios which I want to execute in parallel, ramp up and maintain the load for 5 minutes before stopping the users. similiar to the scheduler in loadrunner.
I have used the below approach, please advice if this is right way of doing it.
val BP01AddSearch = scenario("BP01Search").during (5 minutes)
exec(Homepage.homepage, Login.login, SearchLink.search, Logout.logout)
val BP02GASearch = scenario("BP02GASearch").during (5 minutes) {
exec(Homepage.homepage, Login.login, SearchLink.search, Logout.logout)
BP01AddSearch.inject(rampUsers(5) during (15 seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol),
BP02GASearch.inject(rampUsers(2) during (15 seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol)
) .maxDuration(300 seconds)
Yes, that would work.
Note 1: you can use a forever
loop instead of a during
one as you're interrupting with maxDuration
Note 2: if you're setting the same httpProtocol
on each scenario, you can define it on the setUp
just like you did for maxDuration
Note 3: you can use maxDuration(5.minutes)
instead of maxDuration(300 seconds)