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How to fill a JTable with data from a HashMap?

I'm new to Java and I want to know how to fill a JTable with HashMap data. In the hash map, the key is an integer and the value is an array of objects. I want to put the data from the hash map into the table, but I don't know how to get the values.

The HashMap:

Map<Integer, Object[]> prodList = new HashMap<>();
prodList.put(1, new Object[]{"Prod_1", 8000.0, 550}); //name, price, amount
prodList.put(2, new Object[]{"Prod_2", 2300.0, 15});
prodList.put(3, new Object[]{"Prod_3", 2700.0, 15});

I have been trying with this:

public TableModel fillTable(Map<?,?> prodList)
    DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(
            new Object[] {"key", "value"}, 0
    for(Map.Entry<?,?> data : prodList.entrySet())
        tableModel.addRow(new Object[] {data.getKey(), data.values()});
    return tableModel;

But it just returns the key and this: [L] java.lang.Object; @ 1565e42a. I think I have to iterate over the array and put all the array values ​​into a new column, but I don't know how to do it.


  • I think I have to iterate over the array and put all the array values ​​into a new column,

    Correct. You can do this by adding all the values to a Vector and then add the Vector to the model.

        Iterator<Integer> iter = prodList.keySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            Vector<Object> row = new Vector<>(4);
            Integer key =;
            //  Cell represents a row after the inserted row
            Object[] values =  (Object[])prodList.get(key);
            for (Object item: values)
            tableModel.addRow( row );

    The above code should will create a Vector with 4 items, the first will be the key and the last 3 will be the values in the Array that you added to the HashMap.

    Note, I rarely iterate over a HashMap and I don't remember how to use the EntrySet, so I'm just using the old Iterator.

    Figured out how to do it using the EntrySet:

        for(Map.Entry<Integer,Object[]> data : prodList.entrySet())
            Vector<Object> row = new Vector<>(4);
            Object[] values = data.getValue();
            for (Object item: values)
            tableModel.addRow( row );