I was installing my project from IntelliJ to aem using this command (mvn clean install -PautoInstall) and I keep having this error
The JAR/ZIP file (C:\Users....m2\repository\com\adobe\aem\uber-jar\6.5.5\uber-jar-6.5.5.jar) seems corrupted, error: error in opening zip file
I have already tried deleting and downloading the uber-jar but to no avail.
Here is my Core Pom.xml
4.0.0 com.startsite startsite 1.0-SNAPSHOT ../pom.xml
<name>Start Site - Core</name>
<description>Core bundle for Start Site</description>
<!-- Import any version of javax.inject, to allow running on multiple versions of AEM -->
<!-- OSGi Dependencies -->
<!-- Other Dependencies -->
I found an alternate solution to solve this problem. I used Eclipse neon instead of the usual eclipse and intellij. Newly created project now works except the one that I have previously compiled on Intellij and eclipse.