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Execve with argument in x64 with gnu asm

I am trying to write a shellcode in GNU asm for linux and i'm unable to call execve with arguments.

What i'm trying to do :

execve("/bin/ls", ["/bin/ls", "-la", NULL], NULL);

this is my code :

.section .text
.globl _start
    push $0x3b
    pop %rax
    xorq %rdx,%rdx
    push %rdx
    movabs $0x61616161616c2d2d,%r8
    shr $0x8, %r8
    push %r8
    movabs $0x736c2f6e69622f2f,%r8
    shr $0x8, %r8                    
    push   %r8
    mov    %rsp,  %rdi
    push   %rdx
    push   %rdi
    mov    %rsp,  %rsi
    push $0x3c
    pop %rax
    xorq    %rdi,  %rdi

And just before the syscall to execv this are my reg/stack : gdb

I suppose that : RDI must contain "/bin/ls" address RSI must contain the address of the "/bin/ls" address RDX = NULL

the shellcode is executing /bin/ls but not with -la args.

What is wrong ?



  • You never pushed a pointer to the second argv string. push %rdx; push %rdi pushes NULL and then the pointer to "/bin/ls", but there is no pointer to your "-laaaaa". You need one more push in between the two. For instance:

        push %rdx           // NULL
        lea 8(%rdi), %rcx   // pointer to "-laaaaa"
        push %rcx
        push %rdi           // pointer to "/bin/ls"
        mov %rsp, %rsi      // pointer to the argument vector