I have a step function with multiple parallel steps. each having lambdas. output of one parallel function is supplied to next parallel function.
i would like to tranform output of 1st function
{"x":11111, "y":"New"} to
{"x":11111, "y":"Existing"} this will then be the input of second function
i tried achieve it like below
"ResultSelector": { "x.$": "$.x", "y.$": "Existing" } i get the below error when i try to save it The value for the field 'y.$' must be a valid JSONPath or a valid intrinsic function call
my question here is it possible to hardcode value here. any other way of achieving this?
In your ResultSelector you used y.$
that means that you want to use JSONPath or intrinsic function, if you want to use hardcode value, then use y
, so your ResultSelector should be like this:
"ResultSelector": { "x.$": "$.x", "y": "Existing" }