I have below setup for diagram, the graph can only produces the below graph if I have data
value in the environment, it's not looking at the data value I specified in the server at all. What should I do differently?
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("some_values", label = "Some values",
value = 1, min = 1, max = 100, step = 1)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Define some sample data
output$parameter_plot <- renderGrViz({
# Define some sample data
data = tibble(a=1000,b=input$some_values,c=1000,d=1000,e=1000,f=1,g=1,h=1)
digraph graph2 {
graph [layout = dot]
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [shape = rectangle, style = filled]
node [fillcolor = lightblue]
a [label = '@@1']
node [fillcolor = Beige]
b [label = '@@2']
c [label = '@@3']
d [label = '@@4']
node [fillcolor = mediumpurple1]
e [label = '@@5']
f [label = '@@6']
g [label = '@@7']
node [fillcolor = darkseagreen1]
h [label = '@@8']
i [label = '@@9']
subgraph cluster1 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
b -> {c d}
subgraph cluster2 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
e -> f -> g -> e
subgraph cluster3 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
a -> b
a -> e
f -> i
e -> h
shinyApp(ui, server)
If you specify the footnotes at the end correctly it should work. In the example below I use glue::glue
to insert code into the string. Part of label 1 comes from a data.frame
and a part of label 6 comes from a numericInput
and can be adjusted interactively.
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("some_values", label = "Some values",
value = 1, min = 1, max = 100, step = 1)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Define some sample data
output$parameter_plot <- renderGrViz({
# Define some sample data
data = tibble(a = 696,
b = input$some_values,
c = 1000,
d = 1000,
e = 1000,
f = 1,
g = 1,
h = 1)
.open = "{{",
.close = "}}",
"digraph graph2 {
graph [layout = dot]
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [shape = rectangle, style = filled]
node [fillcolor = lightblue]
a [label = '@@1']
node [fillcolor = Beige]
b [label = '@@2']
c [label = '@@3']
d [label = '@@4']
node [fillcolor = mediumpurple1]
e [label = '@@5']
f [label = '@@6']
g [label = '@@7']
node [fillcolor = darkseagreen1]
h [label = '@@8']
i [label = '@@9']
subgraph cluster1 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
b -> {c d}
subgraph cluster2 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
e -> f -> g -> e
subgraph cluster3 {
node [fixedsize = true, width = 3]
a -> b
a -> e
f -> i
e -> h
[1]: '1. Est.Demand (n = {{data$a}})'
[2]: 'Patient leaves pathway'
[3]: 'NAS: Discharged (n = 78)'
[4]: '2. ROTT (n = 8)'
[5]: '4. Clinical Slots Used (n = 665)'
[6]: 'Some values (n = {{input$some_values}})'
[7]: '7. NASL: Rebooked (n = 55)'
[8]: '6. NASL (n = 14)'
[9]: '8. Expected Attendences (n = 596)'
shinyApp(ui, server)