I have just started programming a heterogeneous key/value collection to better understand proofs. Here is my code:
data Collection : Type where
None : Collection
Cons : {a : Type} ->
(name : String) ->
(value : a) ->
Collection ->
example : Collection
example = Cons "str" "tralala" (Cons {a = Int} "num" 1 None)
data AllValues : (p : a -> Type) -> Collection -> Type where
First : AllValues p None
Next : p a => AllValues p col -> AllValues p (Cons {a} k v col)
printCollection : (col : Collection) -> {auto prf : AllValues Show col} -> String
printCollection None {prf = First} = "."
printCollection (Cons key value rest) {prf = (Next later)} =
"(" ++ key ++ ": " ++ show value ++ "), " ++ printCollection rest
data IsNewKey : (key : String) -> Collection -> Type where
U1 : IsNewKey key None
U2 : Not (key = k) => IsNewKey key col -> IsNewKey key (Cons k value col)
insert : {a : Type} ->
(name : String) ->
(value : a) ->
{auto notIn : IsNewKey name col} ->
(col : Collection) ->
insert {a} name value col = Cons {a} name value col
data IsElement : String -> Collection -> Type where
Here : IsElement key (Cons key value rest)
There : (later : IsElement key rest) -> IsElement key (Cons name value rest)
update : (key : String) ->
(newVal : ty) ->
(col : Collection) ->
{auto prf : IsElement key col} ->
update key newVal (Cons key _ rest) {prf = Here} = Cons key newVal rest
update key newVal (Cons name value rest) {prf = (There later)} =
Cons name value (update key newVal rest)
GetType : (key : String) -> (col : Collection) -> {auto prf : IsElement key col} -> Type
GetType key (Cons {a} key _ _) {prf = Here} = a
GetType key (Cons _ _ rest) {prf = There later} = GetType key rest
get : (key : String) -> (col : Collection) -> {auto prf : IsElement key col} -> GetType key col
get key (Cons key value _) {prf = Here} = value
get key (Cons _ _ rest) {prf = There later} = get key rest
I have two problems here:
Any ideas?
OK, finally I was able to fix insert function with an advice from michaelmesser.
getKeys : Collection -> List String
getKeys None = []
getKeys (Cons name _ rest) = name :: getKeys rest
fromFalse : (d : Dec p) -> {auto isFalse : decAsBool d = False} -> Not p
fromFalse (Yes _) {isFalse = Refl} impossible
fromFalse (No contra) = contra
data NotEq : a -> a -> Type where
MkNotEq : {a : t} -> {b : t} -> Not (a = b) -> NotEq a b
notEq : DecEq t => {a : t} -> {b : t} -> {auto isFalse : decAsBool (decEq a b) = False} -> NotEq a b
notEq = MkNotEq (fromFalse (decEq _ _))
insert : {a : Type} ->
(name : String) ->
(value : a) ->
(col : Collection) ->
{auto prf : All (NotEq name) (getKeys col)} ->
insert {a} name value col = Cons {a} name value col
I also added another useful functions: delete, decompose, hasKey, upsert.
infixr 7 .::
(.::) : (String, a) -> (col : Collection) -> Collection
(.::) (name, value) col = Cons name value col
delete : (key : String) ->
(col : Collection) ->
{auto prf : IsElement key col} ->
delete key (Cons key _ rest) {prf = Here} = rest
delete key (Cons name value rest) {prf = (There later)} =
Cons name value (delete key rest)
HeadType : Collection -> Type
HeadType None = Maybe ()
HeadType (Cons {a} _ _ _) = a
data NotEmpty : Collection -> Type where
MkNotEmpty : NotEmpty (Cons k v r)
decompose : (col : Collection) -> {auto prf : NotEmpty col} -> (HeadType col, Collection)
decompose (Cons k v r) {prf = MkNotEmpty} = (v, r)
notInNone : IsElement key None -> Void
notInNone Here impossible
notInNone (There _) impossible
notInTail : (notThere : IsElement key rest -> Void) ->
(notHere : (key = name) -> Void) ->
IsElement key (Cons name value rest) -> Void
notInTail _ notHere Here = notHere Refl
notInTail notThere _ (There later) = notThere later
hasKey : (key : String) -> (col : Collection) -> Dec (IsElement key col)
hasKey key None = No notInNone
hasKey key (Cons name value rest) =
case key `decEq` name of
Yes Refl => Yes Here
No notHere =>
case hasKey key rest of
Yes later => Yes (There later)
No notThere => No (notInTail notThere notHere)
upsert : {a : Type} ->
(name : String) ->
(value : a) ->
(col : Collection) ->
upsert name value col =
case hasKey name col of
Yes _ => update name value col
No _ => (name, value) .:: col