While navigating with VoiceOver, my keyboard focus seems to skip right over the Save to a portfolio button.
Both the keyboard navigation and the VoiceOver cursor follow to the other buttons, however, when I try to navigate to the Save to a portfolio button, the keyboard focus (blue highlight) will not follow and I cannot select it or click it as a link. Does anyone have any idea why or what I need to do to remedy this?
Save to a portfolio code:
const DropDown = ({ sxStyle, sxTiny, buttonLabel, options }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const toggleStyle = sxTiny ? sxStyle.tiny : sxStyle.toggle
const wrapperStyle = sxTiny ? sxStyle.tinyWrapper : sxStyle.wrapper
return (
onBlur={(event) => {
if (!event.currentTarget.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
aria-label='Add to Portfolio'
onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}
{ buttonLabel }
sx={open ? sxStyle.optionsOpen : sxStyle.optionsClosed}>
{ options }
It would be best to replace your
<div role=button>
with a semantically correct
<button type="button">
If that is not possible, you could add an attribute of tabindex="0", but the button will not activate with the spacebar as it should unless you add a keydown listener and handler.