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ST_Intersects() query took too long

I'm working on a query using the PostGIS extension that implements a 'spatial join' work. Running the query took an incredibly long time and failed in the end. The query is as follows:

CREATE INDEX buffer_table_geom_idx ON buffer_table USING GIST (geom);
CREATE INDEX point_table_geom_idx ON point_table USING GIST (geom);

    LEFT JOIN buffer_table ON ST_Intersects (buffer_table.geom, point_table.geom);

where the point_table stands for a table that contains over 10 million rows of point records; the buffer_table stands for a table that contains only one multi-polygon geometry.

I would want to know if there is anything wrong with my code and ways to adjust. Thanks in advance.


  • With a LEFT JOIN you're going through every single record of point_table and therefore ignoring the index. Try this and see the difference:

    SELECT point_table.*
    FROM point_table
    JOIN buffer_table ON ST_Contains(buffer_table.geom, point_table.geom);

    Divide and conquer with ST_SubDivide

    Considering the size of your multipolygon (see comments), it might be interesting to divide it into smaller pieces, so that the number of vertices for each containment/intersection calculation also gets reduced, consequently making the query less expensive.

    First divide the large geometry into smaller pieces and store in another table (you can also use a CTE/Subquery)

    CREATE TABLE buffer_table_divided AS
    SELECT ST_SubDivide(geom) AS geom FROM buffer_table
    CREATE INDEX buffer_table_geom_divided_idx ON buffer_table_divided USING GIST (geom);

    .. and perform your query once again against this new table:

    SELECT point_table.*
    FROM point_table
    JOIN buffer_table_divided d ON ST_Contains (d.geom, point_table.geom);

    Demo: db<>fiddle