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How to dynamically create instance methods at runtime?

[ruby 1.8]

Assume I have:

dummy "string" do
    puts "thing" 

Now, this is a call to a method which has as input arguments one string and one block. Nice.

Now assume I can have a lot of similar calls (different method names, same arguments). Example:

otherdummy "string" do
    puts "thing"

Now because they do the same thing, and they can be hundreds, I don't want create an instance method for each one in the wanted class. I would like rather find a smart way to define the method dynamically at runtime based on a general rule.

Is that possible? Which techniques are commonly used?



  • I'm particularly fond of using method_missing, especially when the code you want to use is very similar across the various method calls. Here's an example from this site - whenever somebody calls and boo doesn't exist, method_missing is called with boo, the arguments to boo, and (optionally) a block:

    class ActiveRecord::Base
      def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
        if meth.to_s =~ /^find_by_(.+)$/
          run_find_by_method($1, *args, &block)
          super # You *must* call super if you don't handle the
                # method, otherwise you'll mess up Ruby's method
                # lookup.
      def run_find_by_method(attrs, *args, &block)
        # Make an array of attribute names
        attrs = attrs.split('_and_')
        # #transpose will zip the two arrays together like so:
        #   [[:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3]].transpose
        #   # => [[:a, 1], [:b, 2], [:c, 3]]
        attrs_with_args = [attrs, args].transpose
        # Hash[] will take the passed associative array and turn it
        # into a hash like so:
        #   Hash[[[:a, 2], [:b, 4]]] # => { :a => 2, :b => 4 }
        conditions = Hash[attrs_with_args]
        # #where and #all are new AREL goodness that will find all
        # records matching our conditions

    define_method also looks like it would work for you, but I have less experience with it than method_missing. Here's the example from the same link:

    %w(user email food).each do |meth|
      define_method(meth) { @data[meth.to_sym] }