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protoc --go-grpc_out generate code in out of vision of --go_out generated code

In previous products, I used the old protoc-gen-go, which allowed me to use plugins and generate serialization/deserialization and gRPC client/server in same .pb file.

As far I understand, protoc-gen-go v1.27.1 does not allow plugins and requires the use of go-grpc_out flag for client\server code.

When I run the following command:

protoc -I /usr/local/include -I $PWD/api/dummy-proto  --go_out=generated --go-grpc_out=generated --go_opt=paths=source_relative proto/v1/foo.proto

What I get is the following:

  | |_foo_grpc.pb.go //package dummy
  |_foo.pb.go //package dummy

Because of the created "dummy/" folder, foo_grpc.pb.go file does not see Request and Response messages that were generated in foo.pb.go.

What am I doing wrong? Is there is an option to generate one file as before? It will work properly after moveing foo_grpc.pb.go to same level with foo.pb.go.

Also is it is possible to use old flag like --go_out=import_path=" and declare package with M without slashes and without go_options in proto like -go_out=import_path=grpc_v1_proto,M$PWD/proto/v1/foo.proto=grpc_v1_proto"


syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "proto/v1/dummy";

import "proto/v1/structures.proto";

service FooService {
  rpc reverse(ReverseRequest) returns (ReverseResponse);
  rpc getBar(GetBarRequest) returns (GetBarResponse);

message ReverseRequest {
  string text = 1;

message ReverseResponse {
  string reversed_text = 1;

message GetBarRequest {

message GetBarResponse {
  structures.Bar bar = 1;


  • As per the comments you need to add --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative. This is covered in the basics tutorial (but that really just gives the command without much detail).

    protoc-gen-go-grpc uses code shared with protoc-gen-go to process most of these options so the documentation for Go Generated Code will probably answer your questions (just change go_opt to go-grpc_opt).