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How to browse user errors in Azure Service Bus?

I have 2k user errors depicted on the chart for Service Bus queue in azure portal however I cannot browse these errors to get to know their type or error message. Is there any tool or any other way to see it?

When these errors accumulating I see that outgoing messages chart is increasing and there are two times more messages than incoming.

I am sending messages to queue thanks to org.amqphub.spring:amqp-10-jms-spring-boot-starter:2.2.2


  • Basically User errors are the number of request which are not processed due to user errors on a specific period. There are two types of errors are defined as user errors :

    . Client-Side errors(In HTTP that would be 400 errors).
    . Errors that occur while processing messages, such as MessageLockLostException.

    Please refer the below links for further details:

    On how to Convert monitoring data for end-to end Tracing & diagnostics. & please find the similar SO Thread .