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Is there a way to detect which platform we are in it, inside .spacemacs file?

I'm using spacemacs and I want to declare different paths for org-mode according to the platform that I'm inside it.

For example, if I'm in Linux, I want the path be ~/orgs but if I was in windows the path should be D:\orgs\.

Is there a variable to check the current platform?


  • One of the solutions(Thanks to @dalanicolai and @milochadam in the gitter website of spacemacs for all of the helps) is that You declare your condition inside user-init () for example, I declared two global variables: snippet_path and org_path and they will get different values depends on the platform(Linux/windows):

    (defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
    ;; ... other stuff
    (if (or (equal system-type 'cygwin) (equal system-type 'windows-nt) (equal system-type 'ms-dos))
        ;; if we are in windows
            (setq snippet_path "e:/home/snippets")
            (setq org_path "d:/org-mode/")
        ;; else if (we are in linux)
            (setq snippet_path "/home/ghost/spacemacs/snippets")
            (setq org_path "d:/org-mode/")
    ;; ... other stuff

    Now we can use these two variables everywhere we like, for example inside our layer configs:

    (auto-completion :variables                      
                      auto-completion-private-snippets-directory snippet_path