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How to redirect // in Laravel 5.7?

Older version of laravel here, 5.7. I have a situation where I have a url like this

I have a catch all of this

Route::get('{uri}', ['uses'=>'PageController@render'])->where('uri', '(.*)');

The URL that comes into the render method is ''. I'm not quite sure the best way to take and redirect that to

.htaccess doesn't seem to let me redirect that either with Redirect 301 // / or RewriteRule ^$ /? [L,R=301]

Is there any way to get around this?



  • They are treated as the same resource in the browser. Anyway you can check the request URI on the server and redirect to the root path like this:

    Route::get('/', function () {
        // check the request URI
        if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] !== '/')
            return redirect('/');
        # The rest of the code
        # ...