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Decrypt Fernet Encrypted Text(PYTHON) in SWIFT

I have generated an Encrypted Text is Python using cryptography

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
message = "my deep dark secret".encode()

f = Fernet(key)
encrypted = f.encrypt(message)
# decrypting
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
encrypted = b"...encrypted bytes..."

f = Fernet(key)
decrypted = f.decrypt(encrypted)


KEY: b'3b-Nqg6ry-jrAuDyVjSwEe8wrdyEPQfPuOQNH1q5olE='
ENC_MESSAGE: b'gAAAAABhBRBGKSwa7AluNJYhwWaHrQGwAA8UpMH8Wtw3tEoTD2E_-nbeoAvxbtBpFiC0ZjbVne_ZetFinKSyMjxwWaPRnXVSVqz5QqpUXp6h-34_TL7BaDs='

Now I'm trying to Decrypt it in Swift but to no luck. So Far I've Tried CryptoSwift with the following:

func testdec(){
        let str = "3b-Nqg6ry-jrAuDyVjSwEe8wrdyEPQfPuOQNH1q5olE="
        let ba = "gAAAAABhBRBGKSwa7AluNJYhwWaHrQGwAA8UpMH8Wtw3tEoTD2E_-nbeoAvxbtBpFiC0ZjbVne_ZetFinKSyMjxwWaPRnXVSVqz5QqpUXp6h-34_TL7BaDs="
        let encodedString = Base64FS.decodeString(str: String(str.utf8))
        let first4 = String(ba.prefix(25))
        let start = first4.index(first4.startIndex, offsetBy: 9)
        let end = first4.index(first4.endIndex, offsetBy: 0)
        let iv = String(first4[start..<end])

        let starta = ba.index(ba.startIndex, offsetBy: 25)
        let enda = ba.index(ba.endIndex, offsetBy: -32)
        let cipher_text = String(ba[starta..<enda])
        let cipher_text_bt: [UInt8] = [UInt8](base64: cipher_text)
        let cipher_text_bta: [UInt8] = [UInt8](base64: ba)
//        print(encodedString.bytes.count)
//        let key_bta: [UInt8] = [UInt8](base64: "RgSADaf8w4v9vokuncyzWRbP5hkdhXSETdxIHLDHtKg=")
//        let iv_bt: [UInt8] = [UInt8](base64: "7KUDrsPmb28KQqOWv00KXw==")
//        let cipher_text_bt: [UInt8] = [UInt8](base64: "gAAAAABhBQ837KUDrsPmb28KQqOWv00KX2KjsP2ar6lHLqIPUKSvF1WHiruquG-tiAEkrCZZbm-lFR9ZwxsqVcXovmQ3Hv6pWw==")
            let aes = try AES(key: encodedString, blockMode: CBC(iv: iv.bytes), padding: .pkcs7)
            let cipherTexta = try aes.decrypt(cipher_text_bt)



Any Help would be appreciated


  • I've managed to get your cipher text decrypted using only Apple provided sources. If you support iOS 13 and up, I suggest you use CryptoKit to verify the HMAC, but for now, I've adopted a full CommonCrypto solution.

    First a minor extension to create Data from base64 URL strings.

    import Foundation
    import CommonCrypto
    extension Data {
        init?(base64URL base64: String) {
            var base64 = base64
                .replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: "+")
                .replacingOccurrences(of: "_", with: "/")
            if base64.count % 4 != 0 {
                base64.append(String(repeating: "=", count: 4 - base64.count % 4))
            self.init(base64Encoded: base64)

    The decrypt function is a bit obscure, but it supports the very old CommonCrypto syntax. withUnsafeBytes syntax would be cleaner, but this is a quick workaround.

    func decrypt(ciphertext: Data, key: Data, iv: Data) -> Data {
        var decryptor: CCCryptorRef?
        defer {
        var key = Array(key)
        var iv = Array(iv)
        var ciphertext = Array(ciphertext)
        CCCryptorCreate(CCOperation(kCCDecrypt), CCAlgorithm(kCCAlgorithmAES), CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding), &key, key.count, &iv, &decryptor)
        var outputBytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: CCCryptorGetOutputLength(decryptor, ciphertext.count, false))
        CCCryptorUpdate(decryptor, &ciphertext, ciphertext.count, &outputBytes, outputBytes.count, nil)
        var movedBytes = 0
        var finalBytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: CCCryptorGetOutputLength(decryptor, 0, true))
        CCCryptorFinal(decryptor, &finalBytes, finalBytes.count, &movedBytes)
        return Data(outputBytes + finalBytes[0 ..< movedBytes])

    Then the HMAC. I suggest you use CryptoKit if you can. This function is of course fixed, there might be ways to make this dynamic. For Fernet however, only SHA256 is supported.

    func verifyHMAC(_ mac: Data, authenticating data: Data, using key: Data) -> Bool {
        var data = Array(data)
        var key = Array(key)
        var macOut = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH))
        CCHmac(CCHmacAlgorithm(kCCHmacAlgSHA256), &key, key.count, &data, data.count, &macOut)
        return Array(mac) == macOut

    All of that together comes down to the following code. Note that I do not check the version and/or timestamp, which should be done according to the spec.

    let fernetKey   = Data(base64URL: "3b-Nqg6ry-jrAuDyVjSwEe8wrdyEPQfPuOQNH1q5olE=")!
    let signingKey  = fernetKey[0 ..< 16]
    let cryptoKey   = fernetKey[16 ..< fernetKey.count]
    let fernetToken = Data(base64URL: "gAAAAABhBRBGKSwa7AluNJYhwWaHrQGwAA8UpMH8Wtw3tEoTD2E_-nbeoAvxbtBpFiC0ZjbVne_ZetFinKSyMjxwWaPRnXVSVqz5QqpUXp6h-34_TL7BaDs=")!
    let version     = Data([fernetToken[0]])
    let timestamp   = fernetToken[1 ..< 9]
    let iv          = fernetToken[9 ..< 25]
    let ciphertext  = fernetToken[25 ..< fernetToken.count - 32]
    let hmac        = fernetToken[fernetToken.count - 32 ..< fernetToken.count]
    let plainText = decrypt(ciphertext: ciphertext, key: cryptoKey, iv: iv)
    print(plainText, String(data: plainText, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Non utf8")
    print(verifyHMAC(hmac, authenticating: version + timestamp + iv + ciphertext, using: signingKey))