B <- 10000
results <- replicate(B, {
hand <- sample(hands1, 2)
(hand[1] %in% aces & hand[2] %in% facecard) | (hand[2] %in% aces & hand[1] %in% facecard)
this piece of code works perfectly and do the desired thi
this is a monte carlo simulation. I don't understand the way they put curly brackets {} in the replicate function. i can understand the function of that code but i cant understand the way they put the code.
The reason is that we have multiple expressions
hand <- sample(hands1, 2)
is the first expression and the second is
(hand[1] %in% aces & hand[2] %in% facecard) | (hand[2] %in% aces & hand[1] %in% facecard)
i.e. if there is only a single expression, we don't need to block with {}
It is a general case and not related to replicate
i.e. if we use a for
loop with a single expression, it doesn't need any {}
for(i in 1:5)
and similarly, something like if/else
n <- 5
if(n == 5)
It is only needed when we need more than one expression