We have a complex stored procedure that is sometimes subject to parameter sniffing. It is a large, "all-in-one" procedure that is called by many different parts of the system and so it stands to reason that one query plan would not fit all use cases.
This works fine except periodically ONE particular report goes from seconds to minutes. In the past, a quick exec sp_recompile
would speed it back up immediately. Now that never works. The report just eventually "fixes itself" in a day or two, meaning it goes back to taking seconds.
Refactoring the stored procedure is currently not an option and I don't want to do the other recommended approaches (saving parameters to local variables, WITH RECOMPILE, OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) as those are said to have other side effects.
So I have these questions:
Why wouldn't exec sp_recompile
speed it up like before?
How can I tell if exec sp_recompile
actually cleared the query plan cache? What should be run before, and after, the exec? I've tried some queries from the web but can't clearly tell if something changed, so a specific recipe would be great to have.
Would it be reasonable to clone the procedure with a different name, and call that clone just for this one report? The goal would be to get SQL Server to cache a separate plan just for the report. But I'm not sure if SQL Server is caching plans by procedure name, or if it caches the various queries inside the stored procedures. (If it's the latter, then there's no use to this approach, as the any clones of the procedure would have the same queries.)
Using several CTEs, especially complex queries (just like when joining with views) can potentially cause the query optimiser problems with producing an optimal execution plan.
If you have a lot of CTE definitions used, SQL Server will be attempting to construct a single monolithic execution plan and you could have a plan compilation timeout resulting in a sub-optimal plan being used.
You could instead replace the CTEs with temp tables - using intermediate results often has better performance as each query executes in isolation with a dedicated optimal (or at least better) plan. This can help the optimizer make a better choice for joins and index usage.
If you can benefit from two key different types of parameters that ideally require their own optimal plan then an option would be, as you suggest, to duplicate the procedure specific to each use-case.
You can confirm that this results in a separate execution plan by querying for your procedure name using dm_exec_sql_text
select s.plan_handle, t.text
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats s
cross apply Sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.plan_handle)t
where t.text like '%proc name%'
You will note you have a different plan_handle for each procedure.