I have a table of records like this:
Item | From | To |
A | 2018-01-03 | 2018-03-16 |
B | 2021-05-25 | 2021-11-10 |
The output of select should look like:
Item | Month | Year |
A | 01 | 2018 |
A | 02 | 2018 |
A | 03 | 2018 |
B | 05 | 2021 |
B | 06 | 2021 |
B | 07 | 2021 |
B | 08 | 2021 |
Also the range should not exceed the current month. In example above we are asuming current day is 2021-08-01.
I am trying to do something similar to THIS with CONNECT BY LEVEL but as soon as I also select my table next to dual and try to order the records the selection never completes. I also have to join few other tables to the selection but I don't think that would make a difference.
I would very much appreciate your help.
Row generator it is, but not as you did it; most probably you're missing lines #11 - 16 in my query (or their alternative).
SQL> with test (item, date_from, date_to) as
2 -- sample data
3 (select 'A', date '2018-01-03', date '2018-03-16' from dual union all
4 select 'B', date '2021-05-25', date '2021-11-10' from dual
5 )
6 -- query that returns desired result
7 select item,
8 extract(month from (add_months(date_from, column_value - 1))) month,
9 extract(year from (add_months(date_from, column_value - 1))) year
10 from test cross join
11 table(cast(multiset
12 (select level
13 from dual
14 connect by level <=
15 months_between(trunc(least(sysdate, date_to), 'mm'), trunc(date_from, 'mm')) + 1
16 ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
17 order by item, year, month;
----- ---------- ----------
A 1 2018
A 2 2018
A 3 2018
B 5 2021
B 6 2021
B 7 2021
B 8 2021
7 rows selected.