My Git Bash terminal in Windows works fine with all other git bash commands but for activating conda using Git Bash for an environment, output is all gibberish. I've not been able to find anyone else facing this issue. To get back I have to kill and start a new terminal. It is a new installation of Miniconda and I also had this same issue in a previous installation and also on a different environment. It works fine with Native Anaconda Prompt, but I love using Git Bash for my work flow so I would appreciate a way to solve this.
Megh@Meghs-PC MINGW64 ~
$ cd trial/
Megh@Meghs-PC MINGW64 ~/trial
$ conda activate .\\env
ÍåçèÀÍåçèóÐà ÍÉÎÇ׶´ þ¯ôòéáì
Megh@Meghs-PC MINGW64 ~/trial
$ conda activate ./env
ÍåçèÀÍåçèóÐà ÍÉÎÇ׶´ þ¯ôòéáì
Maybe it is linked to .env
or .bashrc
Following "How to add Conda to Git Bash (Windows)" from Felipe A. Moreno, you can add conda to your Git bash with:
- go to the folder: Anaconda/etc/profile.d/
- open a new instance of Git Bash to the correct directory.
Now, so long as the path to your file has no spaces, you can add
to your .bashrc with this simple command:echo ". ${PWD}/" >> ~/.bashrc
As seen in "Setting Up Conda in Git Bash", you might need to use conda
, not
reopen Git Bash, you still won’t see (base) in your prompt — that’s because you haven’t activated conda yet.
To activate it, simply type the commandconda activate
So no .env
in that case.