I have estimated several glms with cluster robust standard errors using the function glm.cluster()
from the miceadds
package in R.
Unfortunately, the function does not automatically calculate a pseudo R-squared.
Moreover, I am unable to find a package for calculating a pseudo R-squared that is compatible with glm.cluster
. So far, I have tried rcompanion
's nagelkerke()
, fmsb
’s NagelkerkeR2()
and even psfmi
's rsq_nagel()
Did anyone else face this problem before and do you know how to resolve it without writing one's own function?
returns a two-element list, the first element of which (called $glm_res
) is the actual glm
fit. I used performance::r2_nagelkerke()
because that was what I had handy, but any Nagelkerke R2 function will probably work if you apply it to the $glm_res
Set up example:
data(data.ma01, package = "miceadds")
dat <- data.ma01
dat$highmath <- 1 * ( dat$math > 600 ) # create dummy variable
mod2 <- miceadds::glm.cluster( data=dat, formula=highmath ~ hisei + female,
cluster="idschool", family="binomial")
## Nagelkerke's R2
## 0.05126081