I have installed Matlab R2021a, and when I run the command scatterplot
for a vector, I get a figure as below:
I mean black and yellow. However the default colors in older versions is as follows:
I mean the colors are white and blue.
My concern, I need my MATLAB shows the colors of the figure as shown in older version, I mean with white and blue colors.
The behavior indeed changed in R2021a as mentioned in the release notes:
Visual appearance updates to plots generated with
functions now provide black plot backgrounds by default.
You can change the colors as desired by you by modifying the properties of axis/figure as shown below:
%Taking the example from the documentation
d = (0:63)';
s = qammod(d,64);
%Modifying the colors
h=gca; %Axis handle
h.Title.Color='k' %Color of title
h.Children.Color='b'; %Color of points
h.YColor='k'; %Y-axis color including ylabel
h.XColor='k'; %X-axis color including xlabel
h.Color ='w'; %inside-axis color
h.Parent.Color='w' %outside-axis color
Without modification, we get this:
After modification, as desired, we get this: