I have upgraded amplify version from 4.45.0
to 5.2.0
Now when I do amplify push
, I am getting the following error:
Following resources failed
Resource Name: ci5lt23eofhvxlc3an7db4d7veGraphQLSchema (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema)
Event Type: update
Reason: The specified key does not exist. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey; Request ID: GZQF1T9HWCCED75H; S3 Extended Request ID: qicfcwF2YUNdqMDU3EUkt+hsXIQawcirDG7TIX+peEEkAWOE1v9ee6n2L5Qc2I8uePyAXg2eJ4U=; Proxy: null)
Removed error after pushing it with force as: amplify push --force