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Pie Chart using variables with character names

I'm trying to create some pie charts showing the distribution of companies amongst regions and countries.

I'm getting an error saying 'x' values must be positive, which I think is because I'm trying to plot country names and it needs to be a number?

Any guidance on this would be really helpful

Summary: trying to make a pie chart of investor countries/regions to show their distribution (i.e. how many are in the UK, France, Germany etc)

Data: data

Main variables: investor, country/region

Any help with this code would be great!



  • try something on these lines

    #demo data
    investors <- paste0('investor', 1:100)
    countries <- paste0('country', 1:5)
    df <- data.frame(investors, countries = sample(countries, 100, T))
    # pie chart code
    df %>% ggplot(aes(x = '', y = ..count.. , fill = countries)) +
      geom_bar() +
      coord_polar('y', start = 0)

    Created on 2021-07-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)