Search code examples

Issue with refetchQueries in the Apollo Client useMutation hook

I'm running into the following error while trying to define refetchQueries in my useMutation hook.

Type 'DocumentNode' is not assignable to type 'string | PureQueryOptions'.  
Property 'query' is missing in type 'DocumentNode' but required in type 'PureQueryOptions'.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as the official Apollo documentation is a bit unclear on it and I can't find any precedence when Googling.

As I understand the error, the property query is missing from my GraphQL query. Am I passing the right value to the refetchQueries? I think I'm doing it correctly, but then I don't know why it's complaining about query not being part of it.


import { useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
import { GET_CUSTOMERS, MARK_AS_VIP } from './queries';

export default function Customers() {
  const [ markAsVIP, { data: vips, loading: vipLoading, error: vipError } ] = useMutation( MARK_AS_VIP );
  const { loading, error, data: getCustomerResp } = useQuery( GET_CUSTOMERS );

  const handleMarkAsVIP = ( customerId: string ) => {
    markAsVIP( {
      variables: { id: customerId, tags: [ 'VIP' ] },
      refetchQueries: [
        GET_CUSTOMERS, // error shows here
    } )


import { gql } from '@apollo/client';

export const GET_CUSTOMERS = gql`
  query getCustomers {
      customers( first: 50 ) {
          edges {
              node {

export const MARK_AS_VIP = gql`
    mutation markAsVIP( $id: ID!, $tags: [String!]! ) {
        tagsAdd( id: $id, tags: $tags ) {
            node {
            userErrors {


  • Found the answer myself. Although it doesn't look like anything in the docs, the following worked:

    const handleMarkAsVIP = ( customerId: string ) => {
        variables: { id: customerId, tags: [ 'VIP' ] },
        refetchQueries: [
           { query: GET_CUSTOMERS },

    I figured it said the property query was missing, so I simply tried passing an object with the query property, thinking it would never work, but it does.