I'm running into the following error while trying to define refetchQueries
in my useMutation
Type 'DocumentNode' is not assignable to type 'string | PureQueryOptions'.
Property 'query' is missing in type 'DocumentNode' but required in type 'PureQueryOptions'.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as the official Apollo documentation is a bit unclear on it and I can't find any precedence when Googling.
As I understand the error, the property query
is missing from my GraphQL query. Am I passing the right value to the refetchQueries
? I think I'm doing it correctly, but then I don't know why it's complaining about query
not being part of it.
import { useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
import { GET_CUSTOMERS, MARK_AS_VIP } from './queries';
export default function Customers() {
const [ markAsVIP, { data: vips, loading: vipLoading, error: vipError } ] = useMutation( MARK_AS_VIP );
const { loading, error, data: getCustomerResp } = useQuery( GET_CUSTOMERS );
const handleMarkAsVIP = ( customerId: string ) => {
markAsVIP( {
variables: { id: customerId, tags: [ 'VIP' ] },
refetchQueries: [
GET_CUSTOMERS, // error shows here
} )
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
export const GET_CUSTOMERS = gql`
query getCustomers {
customers( first: 50 ) {
edges {
node {
export const MARK_AS_VIP = gql`
mutation markAsVIP( $id: ID!, $tags: [String!]! ) {
tagsAdd( id: $id, tags: $tags ) {
node {
userErrors {
Found the answer myself. Although it doesn't look like anything in the docs, the following worked:
const handleMarkAsVIP = ( customerId: string ) => {
variables: { id: customerId, tags: [ 'VIP' ] },
refetchQueries: [
{ query: GET_CUSTOMERS },
I figured it said the property query
was missing, so I simply tried passing an object with the query
property, thinking it would never work, but it does.