I am new to transcrypt
. I created a test python file,test.py
def test_def(a: list):
for i in range(len(a)):
xx = [2, 3, 4]
I have python 3.9. If I run the python file, it runs and prints as expected.
Running transcrypt gives following error
> python -m transcrypt -b -m -n .\test.py
Error while compiling (offending file last):
File 'test', line 2, namely:
Error while compiling (offending file last):
File 'test', line 2, namely:
I am not sure what it expects and why is it giving the error, any help would be appreciated.
What version of Transcrypt are you using? Wasn't able to replicate the error using Python 3.9.0 and Transcrypt 3.9.0. You can check like this (Win):
> transcrypt -h | find "Version"
# and may as well double check that the right version of python was used:
> python --version
The Python and Transcrypt versions should match, as Transcrypt uses Python's AST that may change between versions.
Another aspect is that I first installed Transcrypt into a virtual env as follows (Win):
> py -3.9 -m venv wenv
> wenv\Source\activate.bat
> pip install transcrypt
> python -m transcrypt -b -m -n test.py
It sometimes happens that one inadvertently uses the wrong version of Python. 'py' is the Python launcher on Windows and useful to launch the right version if you have multiple versions installed. On Linux there are typically binaries in /usr/bin such as 'python3.9' or a symlink such as 'python3' that links to the most recent 3 version. Installing into a virtual env as demonstrated is also helpful, as various problems can come about otherwise.
The above compiled test.py without error (Win 10 cmd.exe). Fwiw, the file was saved as utf-8 and compile worked with and without a BOM.