sn=$(./libs/ideviceinfo | grep ^SerialNumber | awk {'printf $NF'})
type=$(./libs/ideviceinfo | grep ProductType | awk {'printf $NF'})
udid=$(./libs/ideviceinfo | grep UniqueDeviceID | awk {'printf $NF'})
I want to replace variable value into this txt file
"InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity" = "355331088790894";
"SerialNumber" = "C6KSJM0AHG6W";
"InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity" = "";
"ProductType" = "iPhone9,1";
"UniqueDeviceID" = "69bae2fcc0da3e6e3373f583ef856e02c88026eb";
"ActivationRandomness" = "25E7742B-76A7-4C31-9F49-52D17A817B2F";
"ActivityURL" = "";
"IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity" = "";
"CertificateURL" = "";
"PhoneNumberNotificationURL" = "";
"ActivationTicket" = "";
i try using sed:
sed 's/"SerialNumber.*/"SerialNumber" = "$sn";/g' ./file/bp.txt > ./file/bp1.txt
The output is not as expected: "SerialNumber" = "$sn";
Hope you guys can help me
p/s: can you help me if 1 command can replace 3 variable values at the same time, that would be great
The problem here is one of shell quoting. Using single quotes means that everything inside will not go through substitution.
The following should fix your problem:
sed 's/"SerialNumber.*/"SerialNumber" = "'"$sn"'";/g' ./file/bp.txt > ./file/bp1.txt