TL/DR: (Why) does a name/PAT combination created in the Bitbucket web UI not work with Bitbucket REST API (or repo cloning)?
I've been reading various documentation on Bitbucket REST API and Personal Access Tokens, with the intent of using the latter when invoking the former.
All that I have read so far have said -- in more elaborative words -- that this is possible.
Following along, I created a Personal Access Token (PAT
) in the Bitbucket web UI.
Per the screenshot below (posted at the bottom, so as to not break up the text flow), the PAT
Name is "test", and let's say the PAT
value is Rzg4MGUyN4m4N9U3O1HQHO3ABJyp7xClvsan7sAmFEPy
Why, when I try to use this PAT
, do I get an "Authentication failed" error? For example:
user@bld_svr:~$ curl -L -u test:Rzg4MGUyN4m4N9U3O1HQHO3ABJyp7xClvsan7sAmFEPy -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"state":"INPROGRESS","key":"job_434","url":"http://bld_svr:8080//blue/organizations/jenkins/prj/detail/prj/434/pipeline"}'
{"errors":[{"context":null,"message":"Authentication failed. Please check your credentials and try again.","exceptionName":"com.atlassian.bitbucket.auth.IncorrectPasswordAuthenticationException"}]}
My readings have led me to believe that all that's necessary is:
in the Bitbucket UIPAT
combination the same as one would use username/passwordTrying to debug the issue a little, this page, specifically, indicates that Name/PAT should be usable to git clone
repos. But that also fails:
$ git clone
Cloning into 'a_project'...
Username for '': test
Password for '': # I typed in "Rzg4MGUyN4m4N9U3O1HQHO3ABJyp7xClvsan7sAmFEPy" here
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
Can anyone give me the straight dope on the Bitbucket PAT
s and how they should be configured/used with Bitbucket REST API, and even just plain git clone
the PAT Name is "
Actually, you would need to use your BitBucket user account name, not the PAT name, as username:
git clone https://username:<token>
You also have the syntax (seen here)
git clone "https://x-token-auth:{tokenHere}"
And you can use gildas/git-credential-bitbucket
as a way to cache your token and reuse it automatically
git credential-bitbucket store <<EOM
git remote add bitbucket
git config credential.helper bitbucket