Does Bash have something like ||= ?
I.e., is there a better way to do the following:
if [ -z $PWD ]; then PWD=`pwd`; fi
I'm asking because I get this error:
$ echo ${`pwd`/$HOME/'~'}
-bash: ${`pwd`/$HOME/'~'}: bad substitution
So, my plan is to do:
if [ -z $PWD ]; then PWD=`pwd`; fi
echo ${PWD/$HOME/'~'}
My real question is: "Is there a better way to do the following?"
# ~/.bash_profile
# Set prompt to RVM gemset, abbr. of current directory & (git branch).
PROMPT_COMMAND='CUR_DIR=`pwd|sed -e "s!$HOME!~!"|sed -E "s!([^/])[^/]+/!\1/!g"`'
PS1='$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt g) [$CUR_DIR$(__git_ps1)]\$ '
Bash allows for default values:
If $b
is undefined, then pwd
is used instead in assigning $a