I have a xlsx like this.
date value ...
0 2021-07-31 244793 ...
1 2021-08-01 244685 ...
2 2021-08-02 453193 ...
3 2021-08-03 453258 ...
I want to check and compare the date from today with the date in the xlxs. When the date today and the date in the xlsx is == i want to get the value behind the date. Like today is 2021-07-31 so i get the value 244793.
This is my code.
import pandas
from datetime import datetime
date_today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
df = pandas.read_excel('example.xlsx', sheet_name='sheet')
a = df[df['date'] == date_today]
I dont know how to complete my idea and i dont find the right tools i need. Maybe someone can help me.
I would think this would work:
But be aware that this only selects the first row (=0) in a. (So if you have multiple rows in the dataframe that match the current date, only the first value of these will be printed, so you would have to loop through the dataframe.)