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Creating a Python class for the distance metric general formula and getting the error "NameError: name 'p' is not defined"

I'm creating a class in Python for the distance metric general formula and I'm getting the error: "NameError: name 'p' is not defined". The code for the class and test and the error("NameError: name 'p' is not defined") are below as well as inline comments describing the problem.

Here is the code for the class:

class Lp_distance_metric_general_formula(object):
This class takes the Lp distance metric general formula and sets p equal to a value provided by the user. 
This has the effect of deriving a distance metric for a specific metric space and calculating the distance 
of a vector in that metric space.

If the user sets p = 2, then the euclidean distance formula is derived.
If the user sets p = 1, then the taxicab distance formula is derived. 

It is possible to use p values less than 1 but those are special cases that we will ignore. 
These special values are interesting for academic purposes but in practice you very likely won't need to know 
about them.

def __init__(self, p=2, reg_strength = 1.0):
    p: int or float
        p value used for calculating the distance of a vector in a certain metric space
    reg_strength: int or float
        usually set to a value less than 1.0 to decrease the strength of the distance metric when used as a model regularizer
        keep this value at 1.0 when measureing vector norms (i.e. vector lengths)
    assert p >=1 , "p value must be greater than or equal to 1"
    self.p = p
    self.reg_strength = reg_strength
def calc_squared_vector_comps(self):
    # raise each vector component in self.x to the power of p
    # save result to self.squared_vector_comps
    self.squared_vector_comps = (self.x)**p
    # raise NotImplementedError()
def calc_sum_of_squared_comp(self):
    # take the sum of the squared components in self.squared_vector_comps
    # save to self.sum_of_squared_comp
    # hint: use tf.reduce_sum
    self.sum_of_squared_comp = tf.reduce_sum(self.squared_vector_comps)
    #raise NotImplementedError()
def calc_vector_norm(self):
    # take the 1/p root of the self.sum_of_squared_comp in order to calculate the norm, i.e. ||x||
    # save result to self.vector_norm
    self.vector_norm = (self.sum_of_squared_comp)**(1/p)
    # raise NotImplementedError()
def __call__(self, x):
    This method calcualtes the distance (i.e. norm) for vector x in Lp space for a value p given by the use
    ‖𝑥‖𝑝 = (|𝑥_1|^𝑝 + |𝑥_2|^𝑝 + ⋯ +|𝑥_𝑛|^𝑝 )^1/𝑝
    x: N-dimsional numpy array or tensorflow tensor of floats 
        x is our vector, could be a weight vector but any vector is valid 
    You must use self.p when calculating squared_vector_comps and vector_norm
    self.x = x

    # calculate these parts |𝑥_i|^𝑝
    # calcualte this |𝑥_1|^𝑝 + |𝑥_2|^𝑝 + ⋯ +|𝑥_𝑛|^𝑝
    # calculate this (|𝑥_1|^𝑝 + |𝑥_2|^𝑝 + ⋯ +|𝑥_𝑛|^𝑝 )^1/𝑝
    # return the vector norm scaled by a regularization penality
    # we say penality because the value is usually less than 1.0 thereby scaling down the norm
    return self.reg_strength * self.vector_norm

Here is the code for the test:

# instantiate the unit test class that will check the calculates of Lp_distance_metric_general_formula's methods
tests = Test_distance_metric_solution()

# instantiate Lp_distance_metric_general_formula, set p = 2 in order to derive the euclidean distance metric

lp = Lp_distance_metric_general_formula(p=2, reg_strength = 1.0)

# don't change this test_vector
# Test_distance_metric_solution assumes that you're using ths exact test_vector
test_vector = np.array([1., 2.])

# test the calculations that are perform in each of the following lp class methods 

This is the entire error below:(The last line being the most relevant.)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-99f65ee9445b> in <module>
      9 # Test_distance_metric_solution assumes that you're using ths exact test_vector
     10 test_vector = np.array([1., 2.])
---> 11 lp(test_vector)
     13 '''

<ipython-input-59-68f0851b282b> in __call__(self, x)
     88         # calculate these parts |𝑥_i|^𝑝
---> 89         self.calc_squared_vector_comps()
     91         # calcualte this |𝑥_1|^𝑝 + |𝑥_2|^𝑝 + ⋯ +|𝑥_𝑛|^𝑝

<ipython-input-59-68f0851b282b> in calc_squared_vector_comps(self)
     41         # save result to self.squared_vector_comps
     42         # YOUR CODE HERE
---> 43         self.squared_vector_comps = (self.x)**p
     45         # raise NotImplementedError()

NameError: name 'p' is not defined


  • Your code fails because when you call your init you assign self.p = p. When the init-method finishes, the p value disappears from the scope, but self.p remains.

    Hence, when you need to refer to your p-value you need to refer to self.p.


    def calc_vector_norm(self):
        # take the 1/p root of the self.sum_of_squared_comp in order to calculate the norm, i.e. ||x||
        # save result to self.vector_norm
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        self.vector_norm = (self.sum_of_squared_comp) ** (1 / self.p)
    def calc_squared_vector_comps(self):
        # raise each vector component in self.x to the power of p
        # save result to self.squared_vector_comps
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        self.squared_vector_comps = (self.x) ** self.p