I'm new to IP addresses, so forgive me if I'm using some terminology incorrectly.
I would like to take IP address and get their address with the final octet zeroed out. Similar, bitwise, to multiplying by
With strings alone, this would do the job:
ip_address = ''
octets = ip_address.split('.')
masked_address = '.'.join(octets[:-1]) + '.0'
However, I would like to be able to draw from different sources while creating the collection. Sometimes I have bytes representations of IP addresses, sometimes integer, sometimes string. Hence, it's easiest if I know how to do this on a collection where the data is stored as python ipaddress.IPAddress (4 and 6...) objects. The workflow would be: take ip addresses from different sources, turn to python IP objects, merge collections, transfrom to IP/24 type addresses. But I don't see anything in the ipaddress
docs that makes clear how to do the last step.
Manipulating ip addresses is just bitwise math.
If you have an address in an ipaddress.IPv4Address
object, you can zero out the last octet by writing:
>>> x = ipaddress.ip_address('')
>>> y = ipaddress.ip_address(int(x) & 0xffffff00)
>>> y
Where 0xffffff00
is just the equivalent of
. You could of course write:
>>> mask = int(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
>>> y = ipaddress.ip_address(int(x) & mask)
Or even:
>>> mask = (2**(ipaddress.IPV4LENGTH))-256
>>> y = ipaddress.ip_address(int(x) & mask)
Similarly, with an IPv6Address
>>> x = ipaddress.ip_address('1234::1')
>>> mask = (2**(ipaddress.IPV6LENGTH))-256
>>> y = ipaddress.ip_address(int(x) & mask)
>>> y
Here, we're setting mask
to the "all ones" address (2**129)-1)
and then setting the last octet to zero by subtracting 255