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Using pipeline variables across stages with template jobs

Problem Description

I was having some problems trying to use variables created in one stage in another stage and managed to find various articles old and new describing how this can be done. The more recent articles/posts identifying the new syntax


Used like this:

  myVariable: $[stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage']]

This works great until you needed to use job templates.

None of the samples I found online covered the situation of templates. They just demonstrated how multiple stages in the same yaml file could obtain the value.

The syntax depends on being able to put the expression into a variable. Unfortunately, when you use a template for a job, it's not possible to declare variables and passing it as a parameter results in it being unevaluated.

- stage: UseJobTemplateStage
  displayName: 'Use Job Template Stage'
  dependsOn: CreateStageVarStage
  - template: templates/job-showstagevars.yml
      ValueToOutput: $[ stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage'] ]

In this snippet, it comes through as-is. The value does not get substituted in.

Theoretically, you could set your job to have the expression present in the variables block but that sort of hard-coding undermines one of the main benefits of templates.

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  • Solution

    The answer isn't actually far away. The original expression just need to be passed through a variable in the template job. Basically, set a variable to be the value of the parameter and use the macro syntax to evaluate the variable.

    - name: ValueToOutput
      type: string
      - name: LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam
        value: ${{ parameters.ValueToOutput }}

    Using the macro syntax of $(LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam) will result in the value making its way into the template job correctly.

    Few other pointers:

    • if you have a matrix-strategy defined you will need to add the Strategy in ValueToOutput: $[ stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['Strategy.SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage'] ]
    • if you are using script instead of powershell, you have to use true without $ in echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VariableFromFirstStage;isOutput=true]$message"
    • if you're not doing this in between stages, but in between jobs, use $[ dependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['Strategy.SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstJob'] ]


    If we have a yaml file for the build definition:

    - stage: CreateStageVarStage
      displayName: 'Create StageVar Stage'
      - job: CreateStageVarJob
        displayName: 'Create StageVar Job'
        timeoutInMinutes: 5
          name:    'Azure Pipelines'
          vmImage: 'windows-2019'
          - checkout: none 
          - pwsh: |
              [string]$message = 'This is the value from the first stage'
              Write-Host "Setting output variable 'VariableFromFirstStage' to '$message'"
              Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VariableFromFirstStage;isOutput=$true]$message"
            name: SetValueStep
    - stage: UseJobTemplateStage
      displayName: 'Use Job Template Stage'
      dependsOn: CreateStageVarStage
      - template: templates/job-showstagevars.yml
          ValueToOutput: $[ stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage'] ]

    That uses the job template templates/job-showstagevars.yml

    - name: ValueToOutput
      type: string
    - job: ShowStageVarJob
      displayName: 'Show stage var'
      timeoutInMinutes: 5
        name:    'Azure Pipelines'
        vmImage: 'windows-2019'
      - name: LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam
        value: ${{ parameters.ValueToOutput }}
      - checkout: none
      - pwsh: |
          Write-Host "ValueToOutput parameter=${{ parameters.ValueToOutput }}"
          Write-Host "LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam (pre-processor syntax)=${{ variables.LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam }}"
          Write-Host "LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam (macro syntax)=$(LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam)"
        displayName: 'Show StageVariable'

    What we get in our output of the second stage is this. Note how only the last expression evaluates to the correct value!

    ValueToOutput parameter=$[ stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage'] ]
    LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam (pre-processor syntax)=$[ stagedependencies.CreateStageVarStage.CreateStageVarJob.outputs['SetValueStep.VariableFromFirstStage'] ]
    LocalVarOfValueToOutputParam (macro syntax)=This is the value from the first stage