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Flutter Instagram login and cookies

I want to let users to login their instagrams and see their statistics in my app. I created a webview inside to help them login. But in the app, I am getting the cookie differently.


onPageFinished: (String url) async {
                  String sourceCode = await controller
                  if (url == "" &&
                      sourceCode.contains("window._sharedData =")) {
                    String cookies =
                        await controller.evaluateJavascript("document.cookie");
                    //new intent
                    setState(() {
                      visibility = false;

I am checking that if the redirection is going through, login is successful. After that with the "document.cookie", I am getting the cookie.

The problem is with "document.cookie", I am getting a short cookie that is not useful for queries on instagram.

In the browser it has a cookie starting with : ig_did (it is a long one), but in my app, I have a cookie starting with : "mid=".

I am thinking about how to get or generate that long cookie, if I cant, I am not able to request end points.



  • Problem is solved with using webview_cookie_manager 2.0.1; document.cookie is not enough to get all the cookies from the url.