Let's define 2 classes
class_name A
var v = null
func _init(v_):
v = v_
class_name B
var v = null
Now, when I try to use str2var/var2str, this is what I get
var a = A.new("aaa")
var b = B.new()
b.v = "bbb"
printt("var2str(a):", var2str(a))
printt("var2str(b):", var2str(b))
printt ("var2str(str2var(var2str(a))):", var2str(str2var(var2str(a))))
printt ("var2str(str2var(var2str(b))):", var2str(str2var(var2str(b))))
var2str(a): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://Scripts/AI/A.gd"),"v":"aaa")
var2str(b): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://Scripts/AI/B.gd"),"v":"bbb")
var2str(str2var(var2str(a))): Object(Reference,"script":null)
var2str(str2var(var2str(b))): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://Scripts/AI/B.gd"),"v":"bbb")
Why is str2var(a) not working?
How should I fix it?
Fix it by making the parameter optional, for example:
class_name A
var v = null
func _init(v_ = null):
v = v_
With that there is no error. I get this output:
var2str(a): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://A.gd"),"v":"aaa")
var2str(b): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://B.gd"),"v":"bbb")
var2str(str2var(var2str(a))): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://A.gd"),"v":"aaa")
var2str(str2var(var2str(b))): Object(Reference,"script":Resource( "res://B.gd"),"v":"bbb")
For abstract, str2var
will not pass any arguments to _init
. It would not know what to pass anyway.
The rest of the answer is the process of confirming that str2var
will result in calling _init
with no argument.
When I try your code I get this error:
E 0:00:00.630 _create_instance: Condition "r_error.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK" is true. Returned: __null
<C++ Source> modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:121 @ _create_instance()
<Stack Trace> main.gd:12 @ _ready()
We can find the line that throws the error in _create_instance
by looking at the source.
Sadly that does not give me much information. So, I decided to search how str2var
is implemented.
We find it inside GDScriptFunctions::call
, here. Which calls VariantParser::parse
, which calls VariantParser::parse_value
. We are interested in the case of an "Object"
(here). And that results in a call to ClassDB::instance(type)
. There type will be "Reference"
, and then it procedes to set all properties as they come. Being the first one "script":Resource("res://A.gd")
When we set the script (here), it will result in a call to GDScript::instance_create
. Which calls GDScript::_create_instance
return _create_instance(NULL, 0, p_this, Object::cast_to<Reference>(p_this) != NULL, unchecked_error)
With no argument for _init
is the argument array, and 0
is the number of arguments). This is the signature for GDScript::_create_instance
GDScriptInstance *GDScript::_create_instance(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Object *p_owner, bool p_isref, Variant::CallError &r_error)
Of course, initializer->call(instance, p_args, p_argcount, r_error);
fails, because _init
requires an argument. And we find the line that throws the error further down. Note: initializer
is created while parsing the script.