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Is possible bind :src to a variable?

I'm trying to bind the src attribute to a variable managed by Vuex, so I did:

    v-bind:src="{ 'assets/images/logo-light.png' : isNavbarLight, 'assets/images/logo.png' : !isNavbarLight }"

the variable isNavbarLight is taken from the Vuex store:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, computed } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'vuex'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'Header',
  setup() {
    const store = useStore()
    const isNavbarLight = computed(() => store.state.isNavbarLight)
    return {

and it's a boolean variable which allow me to change the type of logo based on the page color. This is the Vuex store implementation:

import { Commit, createStore } from 'vuex';
export default createStore({
  state: {
    isNavbarLight: false 
  mutations: {
    setNavbarLight: (state: {isNavbarLight: boolean}, value: boolean) => state.isNavbarLight = value
  actions: {
    setNavbarLight: ({commit}: {commit: Commit}, value: boolean) => commit('setNavbarLight', value)
  modules: {}

The issue is that as final result I get:

<img class="navbar-brand-item" src="[object Object]" alt="Logo">

how is that possible?


  • Of course it's possible, but right now you are trying to bind it to an object that has two boolean properties!

        v-bind:src="isNavbarLight ? 'assets/images/logo-light.png' : 'assets/images/logo.png'"

    This is how you can use a statement with a ternary operator to switch between the two image URLs, or you could use a computed property or a value from the Vuex store, as long as it returns a string, because that's what the src attribute requires.