I have an application on Oracle Apex 20.2 with oracle DB 18c. and I have a pl-sql procedure that render questions and some specific actions. now I want to enhance the actions using JavaScript functions but my problem is :
For example I have this procedure plsql code :
if cq.type != 'MULTIPLE' then
htp.p('<select name ="select1" onchange="showme()">' || c_crlf);
htp.p('<input type=radio name="' || l_name || '" id="' || l_id || '_x" class="rb" ' || l_required ||
'value=""><span class="icon rb"></span><label for="' || l_id || '_x" class="hideMeButHearMe">' || encode(cq.other_label) || '</label>');
function showme(){
var s = document.form1.select1;
var h = document.form1.input1;
if( s.selectedIndex == '||l_id||' ) {
l_id variable value works fine with html code and I could use the value to do actions. but when try to use l_id value on JS function, JS can't read the value.
Could anyone help what is the correct way to pass a plsql variable value to a JS function on the same procedure.
So I tried this out myself and:
v_test varchar2(200) := 'yes';
HTP.p ('<script type="text/javascript">');
HTP.p ('alert("The value of v_test is ' ||v_test || '")' );
HTP.p ('</script>');
results in:
If you want to use javascript in your pl sql you have to make sure your pl sql is executed AFTER HEADER in Apex: