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MS dotnet core container images failed to pull, Error: CTC1014

I was trying to build a new image for a small dotnet core 3.1 console application. I got an error:

failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid

I have checked an old dotnet program which my dockerfile was working perfectly. I got the same error. Then, I jumped to Docker Hub and checked the MS Images to see that all MS images have been updated for an hour. And then they have been updated once again, 10 Minutes ago xD. However, I still cannot pull the base images of and My whole Dockerfile is:

FROM AS base

FROM AS build
COPY ["Kafka-dotnet-consumer/Kafka-dotnet-consumer.csproj", "Kafka-dotnet-consumer/"]
RUN dotnet restore "Kafka-dotnet-consumer/Kafka-dotnet-consumer.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/Kafka-dotnet-consumer"
RUN dotnet build "Kafka-dotnet-consumer.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "Kafka-dotnet-consumer.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Kafka-dotnet-consumer.dll"]

and the complete error log is:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   CTC1014 Docker command failed with exit code 1.
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 sha256:356bc2781f52b021d6dc2eefeef3212c983066d4fe3637fe7928c8165f181c52
#1 DONE 0.0s

#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 sha256:356bc2781f52b021d6dc2eefeef3212c983066d4fe3637fe7928c8165f181c52
#1 transferring dockerfile: 826B done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [internal] load .dockerignore
#2 sha256:158b62c61546176b0f8a68c34f4aed7fe8e5f979cc578672dacd3c07aff01eb1
#2 transferring context: 35B done
#2 DONE 0.0s

#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 sha256:9c4e2456483bc5a0fda4bf0466bb996bef09b180bf33a44ede0bd988c1be9178
#3 ...

#4 [internal] load metadata for
#4 sha256:46a3f71ff7a02c9ad1111e95e06323b127c541ea25dc1bca0750bc3a2ea917ca
#4 ERROR: failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid

#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 sha256:9c4e2456483bc5a0fda4bf0466bb996bef09b180bf33a44ede0bd988c1be9178
 > [internal] load metadata for
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid Kafka-dotnet-consumer   C:\Ziad\repos\vdpm-datagrid\Kafka-dotnet-consumer\Kafka-dotnet-consumer\Dockerfile  1   

Any ideas?


  • so as @Chris Culter mentioned in a comment above, I just restarted my machine and it works again.

    It is kind of strange because I already updated my Docker Desktop, restarted, and cleaned/ purged the docker data. None of those helped, just after restarting my windows it works again!